proper fasciculusの例文
arcuate fasciculus
Conduction aphasia is caused by damage to the arcuate fasciculus. :I think the original question was about the arcuate fibers, not arcuate fasciculus. The arcuate fasciculus is a white mat......

cuneate fasciculus
The posterior column is composed of gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus. The cuneate fasciculus carries information from vertebral level T7 and below. The gracile fasciculus arise fr......

dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
Fibers from the hypothalamus and olfactory system project via the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus to influence the output of the inferior salivatory nucleus. The "'dorsal longitudinal fasci......

dorsolateral fasciculus
A few other fibers intrinsic to the cord run in the dorsolateral fasciculus of the spinal cord and the septomarginal tract.

The posterior column is composed of gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus. The posterior column is composed of gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus. The cuneate fasciculus carries......

fasciculus atrioventricularis
Crura fasciculi atrioventricularis

fasciculus chemicus
There he wrote his " Fasciculus Chemicus ", a collection of writings on alchemy. In 1650, he published " Fasciculus Chemicus " under the anagrammatic pseudonym " James Hasolle ". A manuscr......

fasciculus cuneatus
If the axon enters above level T6, then it travels in the fasciculus cuneatus, which is lateral to the fasciculus gracilis. PCML pathway axons from the lower body enter the posterior colum......

fasciculus dorsalis
Nucleus partis lateralis fasciculi dorsalis Nucleus partis medialis fasciculi dorsalis

fasciculus dorsolateralis
Fasciculus dorsolateralis , fasciculus of lissauer

fasciculus gracilis
The fasciculus gracilis has first-order, second-order, and third-order nerve fibers described below: If the axon enters above level T6, then it travels in the fasciculus cuneatus, which is......

fasciculus medicinae
Fasciculus medicinae was the first printed book to contain anatomical illustrations. Ketham's " Fasciculus Medicinae was " the first printed book to contain anatomic illustrations. Ketham ......

fasciculus mirre
Today, " Fasciculus mirre " continues to be a curious obscurity in the vast realm of devotional literature and post-incunabula. "Fasciculus mirre " was first compiled by an anonymous Franc......

fasciculus retroflexus
By way of the fasciculus retroflexus ( habenulointerpeduncular tract ) it projects to the interpeduncular nucleus and other paramedian cell groups of the midbrain tegmentum. Most of its fi......

gracile fasciculus
The posterior column is composed of gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus. The gracile fasciculus increases in size from anterior to superior. The gracile fasciculus arise from the fib......

inferior longitudinal fasciculus
The existence of this fasciculus independent from the occipitotemporal fasciculus has been questioned for the human being, such that it has been proposed that the term inferior longitudina......

inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus
Some sources distinguish between a " Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus " and " superior occipitofrontal fasciculus, " however the latter is no longer believed to exist ( in the human bra......

interfascicular fasciculus
His name is lent to the eponymous " comma tract of Schultze " ( interfascicular fasciculus ), a compact bundle of posterior root fibers situated near the border between the fasciculus grac......

lenticular fasciculus
Field H 2 ( sometimes synonymous with " lenticular fasciculus " ) is also made up of projections from the pallidum to the thalamus, but these course the subthalamic nucleus ( dorsal ). The......

longitudinal fasciculus
SVN, MVN, and IVN ascend within medial longitudinal fasciculus ( MLF ). Fibers from the hypothalamus and olfactory system project via the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus to influence the ou......

mammillotegmental fasciculus
The mammillotegmental fasciculus emerges from the principal mammillary fasciculus of the mammillary body and travels dorsally together with the mammillothalamic tract before splitting off ......

mammillothalamic fasciculus
The mammillothalamic fasciculus then connects the mammillary body to the dorsal tegmental nuclei, the ventral tegmental nuclei, and the anterior thalamic nucleus The "'mammillothalamic fas......

medial longitudinal fasciculus
SVN, MVN, and IVN ascend within medial longitudinal fasciculus ( MLF ). This is due to damage to both the motoneurons and interneurons projecting through the medial longitudinal fasciculus......

occipitofrontal fasciculus
Some sources distinguish between a " Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus " and " superior occipitofrontal fasciculus, " however the latter is no longer believed to exist ( in the human bra......

occipitotemporal fasciculus
The existence of this fasciculus independent from the occipitotemporal fasciculus has been questioned for the human being, such that it has been proposed that the term inferior longitudina......